Founded in 2016 by award-winning artist and entrepreneur Max Weisel, Normal is a company devoted to cutting edge technology and quality products.
Max has collaborated with Lady Gaga and Björk. His work is in the permanent collection at the New York Museum of Modern Art. His last studio, RelativeWave, was acquired by Google in 2014.

Normcore is a multiplayer service that backs some of the biggest titles both on Desktop and Console, but also Virtual Reality devices like the Meta Quest. Backed by a full team of engineers, devops, and support folks, our goal is to empower developers to build the best multiplayer titles possible with the least amount of work.

Normal Studio.
Our studio team creates titles like Nock and Half + Half. Our goal is to create platform-defining titles for VR and AR. We regularly use our own titles to beta test and inform the design of upcoming Normcore features.